

Customer Journey Mapping Helps Prioritize Inbound Customer Care

Back in the 1990’s, most businesses saw – and operated – their inbound call centers as little more than an expense. A call center’s performance was measured by how cheaply it could be run. The calls with customers were, in turn, measured with a conveyor-belt...

Great Patient Care Starts With a Great Experience on the Phone

Your patients expect you to provide them with the highest level of care. They need to trust you to have their best interests at heart, at every phase of their relationship with you, your practice, and everyone in your office. But, if you’re like most medical or dental...

5 Ways Your Brand’s Success Depends on Your Call Center

No matter where you are in your marketing and branding journey, you and every other sales organization have at least one thing in common. Your inbound marketing strategies (actually, nearly all of your marketing efforts) really only exist for two primary reasons: To...

50 Retail Innovation Stats that Prove the Power of Customer Experience

I've been talking a lot about customer experience (CX). That shouldn't come as a surprise, given our focus on CX here at Skybridge Americas. Being able to deliver a consistent, superior, memorable customer experience is what enables you to build and maintain your...

5 Customer Experience Mistakes That Hurt Your Bottom Line

Customer experience (CX) shapes loyalty, profitability, and ultimately, a company’s long-term success. But what does CX look like within your organization today? Who has defined it? Multiple studies – of consumers as well as marketing leaders – confirm that CX is no...

Vision, Values, and Powerful Storytelling

The Keys to Customer Engagement I recently came across an article on by Bob Apollo, founder of Inflexion-Point Strategy Partners that examines how a business’ growth strategy is often dependent on how well that business can tell its story. In the...

5 Ways to Compete in a Tight Labor Market

  And Build the Best Inbound Customer Care Team There was a lot of excitement and celebration last week, when the U.S. jobs report came out. Not only did the U.S. add 263,000 jobs (exceeding expectations by a staggering 73,000), but we are now enjoying a 3.6%...

Let's Talk About Transforming Your Customer Experience

Skybridge Americas helps North American companies improve every aspect of their customers’ experience. We’re a team of 1,000 highly skilled, customer-focused problem solvers, providing world class Omni Channel Customer Contact Services.

Talk to us. We’re looking forward to listening. And we’d love to talk about working with you.

Contact Skybridge


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777 Brickell Ave., #500-91910
Miami, Florida 33131
Direct: 763.477.7600
Fax: 763.477.7601

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Box 125, STN MAIN
Winnipeg, MB R3C3R5
Direct: 204-924-4500

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