The Year of Redefining Customer Retention

Is Your Hyper Focus on Keeping Every Customer Causing You to Lose Your Best Customers

In a year marked by unwelcome surprises, economic uncertainty, and worry aplenty, the drive to retain every possible customer is understandable. But it may not be a particularly useful investment of your organization’s focus. In fact, it might just be undermining your ability to truly build on the customer base best suited to helping you grow. Or, as writer Linda O’Grady for CMO puts it, “If your business is trying to protect everyone it had before our world turned upside down, it’s worth looking at it a different way.”

In her article, “Winning means losing in the game of customer retention,” O’Grady makes a compelling argument for rethinking customer retention in a year when “protecting the status quo” may not lead to success.

When you read her article, I hope you’ll pay particular attention to her call to maintain an “unwavering” focus on delivering superior service.” You can’t do that without having the right “processes, staff training and attitude” in place.

I couldn’t agree more.

If you would like to know more about how Skybridge Americas can help you deliver consistently superior customer experience and improve your customer retention, please reach out. We would love to talk!

Winning means losing in the game of customer retention

In the field of customer retention, success is not about protecting the status quo, particularly in 2020. It’s very clear the status quo left the building somewhere between bushfires and lockdowns. If your business is trying to protect everyone it had before our world turned upside down, it’s worth looking at it a different way.

That is, not every customer is worth hanging on to. Yes, I said it. In a world where, quite rightly, we are very focused on meeting the rising expectations of customers, it’s a gutsy move to admit the relationship needs to be win:win. It does. To be clear, that doesn’t mean ditching your most vulnerable customers. There’s a clear distinction between caring for customers well and fighting to keep them when they’re at risk of moving to a competitor or when they’ve stopped buying products from your category.

All too often retention is a blanket goal. ‘We need to hang on to our customers’ is reverberating around boardrooms all over the country right now. But what if we reframed that statement?

Worthy customer sentiment

If you asked pretty much anyone in c-suite whether they wanted to throw the same time, money and effort into keeping the guy who flits in and out of the business chasing deals versus the one who has been consistently buying your products and saying nice things on social media, the answer would be clearer. The right goal is to invest in identifying and keeping the customers who are desirable, viable and feasible to keep.

In essence, we need to actively decide which customers to fight for and how hard to fight for them, or risk not achieving success in retention at all.

As we all know, businesses have finite resources to invest and there are competing demands for staff, money and focus. Success doesn’t look like a whole bunch of customers who don’t drive the P&L or bring future potential, especially when that comes at the cost of focusing on better customers. It also doesn’t mean just giving a tonne of love to your best customers and forgetting those who don’t drive much profit but help carry your costs through sheer volume of numbers.

It does mean actively deciding which customers to say goodbye to and then letting them leave without a fight. No ambiguity, just conscious uncoupling like Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin. A big and quite scary decision, I know.

Where do you draw the line and how do you make sure your service channels know? The question is even trickier when there’s the great middle ground of customers we want, but only to a point or only if they’re willing to change their behaviour.

The Pareto Principle, or 80:20 rule, still applies to most businesses. Sometimes it’s 70:30, but in 20 years I’ve never seen it vary much more than that. Many a hierarchical loyalty program is driven by this idea but the Pareto Principle is not the answer. That’s because there is also a need for economy of scale to manage costs, as well as a desire for growth in the long term.

A singular focus on that important profit-driving 20 per cent won’t work on its own because business costs would go up immensely if it wasn’t for economy of scale. That means we also need the customers who help carry the costs, even if they don’t make much profit. And then there are the advocates, or people who go out there and sing the praises of a company and encourage new customers. They are often not terribly profitable customers either. Last of all are the ones where the future of your business lies – potential customer lifetime value. They may overlap any of the groups above.

The need to balance all these different kinds of value makes it trickier to put the energies of your business in the right place.

At CX Lavender, we solved this issue for Telstra several years ago and have done it multiple times since. The solution is made up of four parts.

1. Decide who to fight for

The first piece is a scoring model that recognises the combined value of a customer against the attributes I’ve just described, as well as their likely level of happiness. If the data points aren’t in place, it can be developed over time using progressive profiling. The critical piece of the puzzle is keeping it current and surfacing it to the right people or channels in a way that can be used to make a difference.

It’s also very important to note that attrition models won’t do this job. They’re calibrated to who you might have lost regardless of a pandemic or recession and they don’t put attention on who you want to keep. Attrition reduction is a purely defensive strategy when a more aggressive offensive is needed for a time like now, particularly if you’re not the market leader. “Offence is the best defence,” as they say.

2. Decide how to fight for them, and how hard

The second key component is a plan for each customer, including how far the business is willing to go to keep that customer. This also needs adjusting for the customer’s likely level of happiness or unhappiness. There should be clarity on what the business is willing to offer or proactively provide considering the four main consumer outlooks for risk and recession. They will impact what your customers want from your business.

Outlook matters because consumers set stricter priorities and reduce spending during tough times, but they don’t all do it in the same way or to the same extent and they don’t all revert afterwards at the same speed.

This difference in behavior is driven by outlook and it doesn’t always line up with socio-economic standing either. That last bit really matters because we all want to hang on to our customers, but most of us don’t want them heavily in debt or unable to pay their bills either. We need to have a plan for how to address each of these outlooks across the full spectrum of our customer base, from the vulnerable right through to the highest customer lifetime value potential, both advocates and non-advocates.

READ the entire article here >

-Bobby Matthews

Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing
Skybridge Americas
[email protected]

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