Luckier Than We Think

When I first started thinking about what I’d say today, on St. Patrick’s Day, I had it all planned out.

I wanted to talk about how, most of the time, “good luck” seems to come easier to those who have a good plan, a good team of people, and a good attitude. That’s especially true in business.

I was looking forward to sharing that blog.

But right now, I think I’ll save those thoughts for another time. Instead, this week has made me reflect deeply about luck in a somewhat different way.

This has been a week of confronting the unexpected. (Never an easy thing to do.)

To some degree or another, every business leader I know is stretching themselves to figure out the best ways to keep the trains running on time, keep serving their customers, and keep their employees safe.

All of that…. while practicing the fine new art of “social distancing.”

Over the next few weeks, I’d like to share how Skybridge Americas is able to keep our clients’ work flowing seamlessly. After all, we planned for times like these. We invested in the disaster mitigation plans, the scalability, and the ability to run entire workforces comprised of at-home call center agents.

But today, I just want to remind everyone – our clients, our employees, and our community members – that this whole social distancing thing is really only about physical distancing. And it’s only for now. Not forever. And the easiest way for us to get through this is to keep reminding each other that we’re getting through this together.

Yes, we are entering a time of some uncertainty. But as we enter together, I hope remind ourselves to turn “social distancing” into “social supporting.” The more physically isolated we may become, the more we need to make a little extra effort to lean in to each other – virtually, not physically. We need check in on each other, cheer each other on, and serve each other like members of one team who are likeminded in their pursuit of victory…. because that’s who we are. We have each other.

When I let that truth sink in, I realize how incredibly lucky we all are, even – especially – right now. So today, as we march forward, shoulder-to-virtual-shoulder, on this St. Patrick’s Day, May the Road Rise Up to Meet You, and May the Wind be Ever at your Back.

-Bobby Matthews

Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing
Skybridge Americas
[email protected]


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