Can You Afford to Deliver Highly Caring Customer Service?

(Seriously, Can You Afford Not to?)

In his recent article on, contributor Micah Solomon points to a growing paradox in customer care:

Advances in technology and artificial intelligence continue to enable faster automation and easier self-service.

I’ll take that a step further. If you’re serious about delivering world class customer care, cutting-edge technology isn’t a “nice-to-have.” It’s table stakes. That’s why so many companies now use technology similar to that provided by Apica Systems to ensure that customers are kept happy around the clock, whatever the circumstances. IT failures are one of the main issues that will lose your business customer loyalty, so having strong IT systems can keep your business running smoothly.

But as tech continues to empower and improve customer service platforms, it seems to have distracted many sales organizations from a core and critical question:

What do your customers want, need, and expect from their contacts with you?

Solomon tackles that question with refreshing directness. And he points to research that proves: customers want a human connection and they rate their overall experience with an organization according to the quality of the human interactions they had.

Check it out and when you’re ready to take your customer care operation to the next level, please reach out to us. We would love to learn more about your goals, your customer’s needs, and how we can deliver a superior customer experience.

The New Luxury in Customer Service Is The Human Touch

Micah Solomon Contributor
Customer service consultant, keynote speaker, [email protected]

Certainly, workaday customer service has been heading toward more and more automation and self-service. But the new luxury in customer service is human delivery.

As Milton Pedraza, CEO of the Luxury Institute, recently told the New York Times, “What we are seeing now is the luxurification of human engagement.”

The human touch, in other words, has become the Midas touch.

Yes, customers appreciate the speed and convenience that automation can provide. Yes, with many routine needs they like the ability to self-serve. But when they want to feel like a million bucks, they want the human touch. Why? Because it’s comforting. Because it’s is engaging. Because it’s one-size-fits-one. Because customers are human themselves.

But can your business afford to provide the human touch? As a customer service consultant, I’m more prone to ask the converse: can you afford not to?

READ the entire article: Can You Afford to Deliver Highly Caring Customer Service?


by Bobby Matthews
Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing
Skybridge Americas
[email protected]


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