3 Things You Can Do Now To Boost Call Center Agent Employee Experience
Last March, I wrote about what I saw happening to the customer care industry when COVID-19 forced entire call centers to close their doors, send their agents home, and scramble to provide the technology necessary to get those agents back on the phones. It was ugly. As...
5 Steps to Re-Engaging Customers in the Wake of a Pandemic
Often, my conversations with customers center on how their own customers’ needs have changed as the months have stretched on during the pandemic. The challenge, of course, is in meeting those new needs and remaining relevant in a new and rapidly evolving environment....
4 Ways to Show Your Customers You’re There and You Care
Are your customers struggling to come to terms with the new rules and new inconveniences of today’s “social distancing” requirements? Are they starting to take out their frustrations on your customer care agents? It seems to be happening just about everywhere right...
SkyAI Empowers Human Phone Agents With Superhuman Productivity
Superior customer experience, 100% compliance, and dramatically reduced costs. When we introduced SkyAI last year, I talked about how, thanks to this innovative Artificial Intelligence solution, we were able to deliver efficiency without sacrificing the magic of the...
Has Your Brand Nailed the 7 R’s of an Effective Resiliency Program?
Here are 7 Steps To Take Now For most U.S. companies, it continues to be a long, bumpy and unpredictable road back from COVID-19. Few recent studies underscore that fact as pointedly as the 2020 Edelman Trust Barometer. When the global communications company wanted to...
The Rising Risk of Call Center Agent Burnout in the Age of COVID-19
5 Ways to Keep Your Team Safe and Engaged Since March, companies around the world have faced a seemingly unending series of difficult trade-offs in the struggle to remain operational and save the business. For so many organizations, survival has depended on whether...
How to Stop Your Customer Experience Scores from Dropping
As You Map The Way to Your Next Normal There's so much talk these days about "getting to the new normal." In his recent article, Adrian Swinscoe shared some recent data about the impact of COVID-19 on CX scores: according to Cogito, CX scores have fallen by 4%...
How These 5 Rules Can Help You Rebuild After COVID-19
If you've been working at your CX strategy for a while now, chances are, you have customer information as fresh and recent as Q4 2019... "...but those reports may as well be turned into bird-cage liners now." That's according to Christine Rimer, vice president of...
5 Ways To Help Your Customer Care Agents Improve CX Performance
The current pandemic has had a profound impact on every American customer’s relationship with nearly every business they patronize. It has heightened some needs and muted others. It has softened customer expectations of some providers, while intensifying their...
10 Tips for Measuring Post-COVID Customer Service ROI
With customer service planning conversations increasingly focused on re-opening, redesign, and planning for a post pandemic future, this recent Forbes article caught my eye. In spite of the fact that none of the 10 smart tactics featured here point specifically to...
Let's Talk About Transforming Your Customer Experience
Skybridge Americas helps North American companies improve every aspect of their customers’ experience. We’re a team of 1,000 highly skilled, customer-focused problem solvers, providing world class Omni Channel Customer Contact Services.
Talk to us. We’re looking forward to listening. And we’d love to talk about working with you.
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