Ever find yourself wondering why it still seems so hard to deliver what your customers want, when they want it, and in a way that sustains loyalty?
Does it sometimes feel like, no matter how hard you try – and no matter how much you invest – you’re still facing the same customer service challenges you face ten years ago?
What about twenty years ago?
These are the questions that are addressed in a compelling new infographic just published on forbes.com.
All of the stats are eye-openers, starting with $75 billion. That’s how much money American companies are losing annually due to poor customer service. If you’re ready to stop the losses, starting in 2020, please reach out to us at Skybridge Americas. We specialize in delivering superior customer experience, to every customer, on every call.
10 mind-blowing stats on why today’s customer service looks a lot like yesterday’s
There’s a reason customer service professionals may have a sense of déjà vu. It’s because the issues they deal with today are the same they dealt with 20 years ago. Which raises the question: Why does delivering quick, effective customer service continue to be such a vexing business challenge?
Sure, there are the usual suspects. The complexities of multiple-channel engagement, growing customer expectations, and frustrating silos between customer-facing departments come to mind. But these are the same issues being written about in 2006.
Read the entire article, and see the revealing “Customer Service Déjà Vu” infographic, here >
-Bobby Matthews
Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing
Skybridge Americas
[email protected]
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