3 Customer Experience Mistakes You Can Correct, Starting Now

When I came across this article by Gary Lyng on thriveglobal.com, it resonated instantly for me.

Too often, the idea of creating a successful “CX Strategy” can be so daunting, even overwhelming, that the goal itself is slowly eroded by analysis paralysis.  Don’t get me wrong, the analysis is important. But wherever you are in developing your organization’s long term CX strategy, remember this: you can start making monumental CX improvements by simply focusing on 3 little rules:

  1. All Employees are CX Employees – and must be empowered to do their CX job well
  2. Keep Communicating your CX Message – and share progress reporting regularly
  3. Ask Your Customers How You’re Doing – and make it easy for them to tell you

I hope you enjoy the piece as much as I did.

At Skybridge Americas, we specialize in delivering a superior experience to every customer, on every call.  If you would like to know more about how we can help you improve your customer experience, please reach out.  We would love to talk with you!

3 Small Aspects Of ‘Customer Experience’ That Make A Big Competitive Difference

By Gary Lyng, Marketing & Products Executive Balancing EQ & IQ for Real World Impact at Violin Systems, EQIQ partners

The definition of customer experience––or, CX––can be difficult to pin down. It means different things to a customer than it does to a seasoned vendor, for example. Some think of it as encompassing only the check-out experience; others conceive of it as more holistic, where the environment of the store or site, its layout, and the availability of support all need to be taken into consideration.

Successful companies opt for the latter interpretation.

In fact, providing great and valuable CX means ensuring every single touch point you have with a customer is pleasant and seamless. Moreover, it entails being operationally proactive in addressing both explicit and implicit customer requests and needs.

Pretend for a minute you’re running a major hotel in San Francisco. A hotel guest checks in for their second stay. They request a non-smoking room, fresh apples in the morning, and a king-sized bed.

Most can deliver on those explicit requests. But the best owners, in this case, would also know that in that guest’s first stay at your hotel, they only ate the red apples from the fruit bowl––and subsequently equip the bowl only with red apples for this second stay. In other words, they’d deliver on that implicit request, too.

That’s how you provide an unforgettable experience. It comes down to sweating the small stuff, essentially––which is one reason why CX is so often something companies overlook. Unfortunately, to overlook the varied and essential components of CX is to undermine the competitiveness of your company and its ability to acquire, retain, and grow loyal customers over time.

So, how do you prevent yourself from undermining your own CX efforts so that your company can thrive? It starts with avoiding these common CX pitfalls.

1) Forgetting the imperative to make CX everyone’s job. 

Companies are made up of many departments. Internally, knowing the difference between each department––differences in responsibility, focus, etc.––is, of course, critical.

But customers don’t see 20 different departments. When they’re interacting with your company or brand, they only see a single entity.

This means that it is the responsibility of everyone across departments to provide customers, if and when they interact with them, an excellent, positive experience. It doesn’t make a difference to a user whether they’re working with someone on the sales team, in finance, support, or engineering. All they know is they’re working with your company. Ensuring you provide great CX starts with internalizing this fact.

Read the entire article here >

by Bobby Matthews
Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing
Skybridge Americas
[email protected]


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