

Stop Believing These 5 Common Myths About Working From Home

As American employers continue grappling with how to stay open while their office doors are closed, there are 5 long-held "concerns" that I keep hearing. Problem is, while the concerns are real, the beliefs are inaccurate. Bigger problem is, these unfounded beliefs...

Charting Your Re-Entry Into the Post-Pandemic Economy

5 Questions to Guide Your Process Business leaders across the country continue exploring every conceivable way of adapting to the unprecedented stresses and challenges of the current coronavirus-driven economy. At the same time, there is a growing awareness that, even...

5 Coaching Must-Have’s for At-Home Customer Care Agents

This is the fourth in our blog series on COVID-19 Rapid Response. You can find them all, starting with the first post in this series, here. In my earlier posts, I’ve put a great deal of focus on how to transition your call center agents from on-site to at-home. But of...

When “Virtual” is Better:

A Handful of North American Call Centers Step Up to Fill the Need In my past several posts, I’ve focused on the growing urgency among so many organizations to continue to serve their customers while most of their employees are required to self-quarantine at home. In...

4 Ways to Show Your Customers You’re There and You Care

Are your customers struggling to come to terms with the new rules and new inconveniences of today’s (temporary) “social distancing” requirements? Are they starting to take out their frustrations on your customer care agents? It seems to be happening just about...

Luckier Than We Think

When I first started thinking about what I’d say today, on St. Patrick’s Day, I had it all planned out. I wanted to talk about how, most of the time, “good luck” seems to come easier to those who have a good plan, a good team of people, and a good attitude. That’s...

Let's Talk About Transforming Your Customer Experience

Skybridge Americas helps North American companies improve every aspect of their customers’ experience. We’re a team of 1,000 highly skilled, customer-focused problem solvers, providing world class Omni Channel Customer Contact Services.

Talk to us. We’re looking forward to listening. And we’d love to talk about working with you.

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777 Brickell Ave., #500-91910
Miami, Florida 33131
Direct: 763.477.7600
Fax: 763.477.7601

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Box 125, STN MAIN
Winnipeg, MB R3C3R5
Direct: 204-924-4500

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